Our success begins and ends with people. We are dedicated to the happiness of our coworkers, clients and community. If your organization is a non-profit in the Eugene area and you could use some graphics help, contact us and we'll work something out. We've also got a soft spot for any organization that helps those who can't help themselves (little 'uns, older folks, people with disabilities, etc.).
We take absolute responsibility for our value chain (any direct business links). We hold not only our company, but all of our vendors to the The UN Global Compact's ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.
Fill-out our contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for checking out our website!
Lately, clients have been asking about crowdsourcing . Crowdsourcing is often pitched to a client as a "design contest." The client posts the specs of a project to a website and hundreds of designers submit entries. In the end, a company will theoretically have the pick of the litter.
Crowdsourcing has kicked-up a lot of controversy. Most professional designers feel that the low-end, low-quality, robot-esque designs are giving 'real' designers a bad name. A lot of folks love crowdsourcing it and say that designers are all a bunch of snooty brats who need to wake up and smell the democratization of their trade.
Crowdsourcing works in exactly the opposite way that Vespagraphics operates. We provide personally-tailored designs to local clients that know us and love us. We have pride in both our product and our process, which means we don't work on a speculative basis (we don't design without a guarantee of payment).
Crowdsourcing is only sustainable for the middleman (the company that hosts the contest). A designer and a client will always be shortchanged with this method. Neither will benefit from the dialogue that arises during the traditional design process and the final product will suffer.