We provide a wide variety of services to a range of local and national clients. The services listed below represent our most popular resources for our clients. If you have a specific need not listed below or want more information about a popular service, fill-out our contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
For samples of our work, visit our portfolio page.
Website Design
- Site Design
- Blog Design
- User Experience (UX)
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Email Campaigns
- Content Managment Systems (CMS)
- Video integration (editing and optimization)
- Affordable Website Design Packages
- Book Layout
- Cover Design
- Print on Demand (Lulu, Xlibris, etc)
- Book Marketing Packages
- Magazine Layout
- Academic Journal Design
- Children's Books, Academic Textbooks, Novels
- Websites
- Email Campaigns
- Blog Design
- Catalogs
- Brochures
- Business Cards
- Letterhead
- Posters
- Postcards
- Billboards
- Powerpoint/Keynote Templates
- Powerpoint/Keynote Presentations
- Constant Contact Templates
- Blogger/Blogspot Templates
- Affordable Marketing Packages
Higher Education
- Academic Grant Support
- Event/Conference Promotions
- Academic Journal Design
- Print on Demand Publishing
- ePortfolio Website Design
- Class Module Websites
- eLearning Websites
- Online Certification
- Bobby/Section 508 Compliance
- Dissemination Projects
- Powerpoint/Keynote Templates
- Powerpoint/Keynote Presentations
- Affordable Higher Education Packages
Custom Illustration
- Children's Books
- Scientific Illustration
- Academic Illustration
- Infographics
- Affordable Illustration Packages
Elementary & Secondary Education
- Classroom Materials
- Event/Conference Promotions
ePortfolio Website Design
- Class Module Websites
- eLearning Websites
- Online Certification
- Bobby/Section 508 Compliance
- Dissemination Projects
- Powerpoint/Keynote Templates
- Powerpoint/Keynote Presentations
- Affordable Higher Education Packages